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Physical Education

The PE Department is staffed with a highly experienced team of specialist teachers. The PE Department plays an active part in the very busy life of the school within curriculum and extra-curricular time. The department offer a range of extra-curricular activities for all Key stages over the academic year.

The PE Department consists of a gymnasium, a dance studio and two Netball courts. We are also very lucky that students are offered a range of activities off-site at Redbridge Sports Centre, Frenford, local Swimming Pool, Cycling and Athletics grounds.

Physical Education at Extra-Curricular Clubs

Extra-curricular clubs in the PE department are essential to enable pupils to succeed in one or more activities and improving their ability. The clubs also gives the students the opportunity to represent their school by competing against other schools in the borough at a range of competitions and also to be chosen for borough and district events.

Within the last two years we have also become Borough Champions for Year 8 and 9 Netball, Bike Polo and Indoor Athletics Champions.

PE Clubs September 2017 – February 2018

Physical Education at KS3

At Key Stage 3 students receive two hours of compulsory Physical Education a week. The PE department seeks to offer our students every possible opportunity to get involved and enjoy PE. Students complete a series of activity blocks where they are graded at the end of each unit. Students experience Baseline testing, Netball, Badminton, Multi Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Rounders, Trampolining, Basketball, Fitness, Handball and Athletics. Students in Year 8 upwards are also placed in set ability groups.

Year 7 Physical Education Grade Descriptors

Year 8 Physical Education Grade Descriptors

Year 9 Physical Education Grade Descriptors

Physical Education at KS4

At Key Stage 4, students receive two hours of compulsory Physical Education a week. Within Key Stage 4, we try to teach our students the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. We do this by offering them a variety of activities, such as Zumba, Aerobics, Netball, Badminton, Movement, Handball, Trampolining and Overall Fitness sessions.

Physical Education at GCSE

Exam Board is: AQA

The timetable allocation over a week for PE GCSE is:

2 Theory lessons and 1 Practical
Unit 1: Applied Anatomy 30%
Unit 2: Sports Psychology and Socio – Cultural influences 30%
Unit 3: Practical Assessment 40%