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Computer Science & Information Technologies

Computer Science & Information Technologies Curriculum Intent

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

Year 8 Curriculum Overview

Year 9 Curriculum Overview

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Year 11 Curriculum Overview

The department comprises two experienced members of staff. The department aims to ensure that all our students:

  1. Can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science.
  2. Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems.
  3. Can evaluate and apply information technology analytically to solve problems.
  4. Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.


All KS3 students follow the new computing curriculum.  Students are taught in mixed ability groups in dedicated computer rooms.  There is an emphasis on computational thinking and students will have the opportunity to plan code and test their own programs using programs such as Scratch and languages such as Python.

Year 7 Computing Grade Descriptors

Year 8 Computing Grade Descriptors

Year 9 Computing Grade Descriptors

At KS4 students can opt to choose OCR Computer Science at GCSE. Students are currently studying the OCR Computer Science GCSE, which is assessed through 2 written exams worth 40% each, and a NEA project worth 20%. Languages taught include Python, SQL, Javascript and Assembly language.


All students are taught in two dedicated air-conditioned suites which have the latest versions of Windows and Office installed along with programs such as Scratch, Audacity and Python. Students also make use of Edmodo social learning platform for sharing resources and submitting work.  In the lower school, students can get a hands-on experience of programming using Crumble kits to create products such as buggies and cars.


There is an ICT Club every school day during the lunch hour. Pupils can use this time to do private study, research or simply catch up with news.

Last year, students from year 8 took part in, and won, the Faraday challenge, a coding challenge involving programming the BBC MicroBit for the second year in a row. The school year 9 STEM team also took part in and came second in the Longitude Explorer prize hosted by Nesta and IBM worth £1000.