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Our Mission


Ursuline Academy Ilford. Mission statement.

‘Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to him with all your heart, for without doubt you will see marvellous things…’    St Angela Merici

The Ursuline Academy Ilford is a Catholic community of faith, love, kindness and service. Guided by Gospel values  and the Holy Spirit, we strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone in our diverse community can      reach their full potential in all their endeavours.

Our young women are inspired by the witness of St Angela and the vibrant school community, whose motto    ‘SERVIAM’- I will serve, empowers us all to play our full part in society.

To help bring this about, Governors, leaders, teaching and support staff commit themselves to:

  • Recognising the value and God-given uniqueness of every student we teach and responding sensitively to their needs and talents;
  • Ensuring equity in all we do and that equality of opportunity is available to all; 
  • Providing opportunities to enable all students to develop and grow intellectually and spiritually;
  • Building a community based on justice, trust, cooperation and courtesy;
  • Inviting parents and carers to play an active role in their daughter’s development, academically, socially, spiritually and morally.

Our values are drawn from the Ursuline charism, informed through our rich traditions, inspired by the spirit of St Angela Merici and challenged by the needs of our time

Students in an Ursuline school are growing to be individuals who are:

  • United in harmony
  • Grateful and generous
  • Listening and attentive
  • Loving and compassionate
  • Faith-filled and hopeful
  • Courageous and resilient                              
  • Discerning and joyful
  • Leading for justice
  • Acting with truth and integrity