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Uniform List 2023/2024

School Uniform is available from

Lucilla Schoolwear Ltd

180 Cranbrook Road



Telephone: 020 8554 5133

Taking Pride in My Uniform and How I Present Myself to Others


Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school and a student will be expected to comply with the following:

• No shaved hair
• Hair extensions should be no more than two colours and no bright artificial colours e.g. pink/green.
• Hair accessories are either plain BLUE or BLACK
• Hair band width should not be excessively broad and may not exceed 5cm


The following apply at all times whilst in school uniform:

• No make-up including mascara, lip-stick, coloured lip-gloss, false eyelashes
• No nail extensions, acrylic or otherwise
• No painted nails
• No Henna on hands
• No ‘hair preparation’ items such as hairspray
• No visible tattoos


Jewellery is not worn in school except for the following:

• If desired, a single plain gold or silver stud earring may be worn in each lobe
• If desired, a watch
• If desired, a small religious symbol such as a cross or crucifix on a plain chain
• No rings
• No bracelets or armbands of any sort
• No facial piercings including tongue!
• Rosary beads are aids to prayer and are not worn openly as a ‘necklace’


Plain black flat-heeled walking shoes are the only permitted footwear.

• No canvas shoes
• No cloth shoes
• No ‘trainers’ or plimsolls
• No ankle boots – defined as footwear which covers the ankle bones
• No sandals
• No embroidered or decorative patterns on shoes, including designer logos
• No coloured laces or distinctively coloured eyelets
• No coloured socks (navy blue or black tights or if preferred in good weather short white socks)

In very bad weather conditions – heavy snow and/or ice – students should take sensible precautions and wear appropriate footwear e.g. boots or wellingtons. They will then change into plain black shoes once inside school.


• Skirts are worn as designed
• Skirts are not worn higher than knee level
• Skirts are not rolled up at the waist

Outdoor Coats, Scarves and Hats

An Ursuline School Coat is available from the School Uniform Shop. For coats purchased elsewhere, the following rules apply for Years 7 to 11:

• Coats are plain blue or black
• Coats are longer than the school blazer
• Coats are made of cloth – not real or imitation leather
• Coats do not contain logos or colours
• Coats are not worn as a substitute for the school blazers
• Scarves and hats – plain blue or black. Hijab (optional) also should be plain and navy blue.


The wearing of hoodies is strictly forbidden at all times whilst wearing school uniform. When the weather is cold a school pullover and/or cardigan plus blazer and appropriate outdoor coat is sufficient.

School Bags

• School bags should be ‘fit for purpose’ – designed to carry books and other school equipment
• School bags will be free from inappropriate logos
• School bags should have good spinal support which will help improve posture

General Appearance

• Serviam Badges are worn at all times on the lapel of the Blazer
• No other badge may be worn unless specifically school related

Please remember that Uniform regulations apply at all times when the Uniform is worn, in school as well as going to and from school.

Any student who is in deliberate and continuous breach of any of the above runs the risk of being excluded from class or from school until such time as the matter is put right. The argument that any such breach is supported by a parent is not acceptable. In emergencies a Head of Year may provide temporary exemption from one or more of the above but only after a written request from a parent.

Items which are not part of school uniform such as jewellery and hoodies will be confiscated and returned at the end of the half term in which they have been confiscated.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form students are seen as senior members of the school community and role models for younger pupils. Sixth Form students are expected to present a smart and business-like appearance.

The Sixth form Dress Code consists of:

  • Smart dress – Black
  • Suit – (Jacket and Skirt or Trousers) Black
  • Blouse – White or Black with a collar
  • V-necked Jumper or Cardigan – Black
  • Shoes – Black and suitable for school
  • Coat – Blue or Black

Discreet jewellery is acceptable